
Gospel of God

False Teachings,
teachings that are not biblical

-- False teaching: abortion is birth control.
-- True teaching: abortion is against the sixth commandment, do not kill.

-- False teaching: angels had children with women, Genesis 6
-- True Teaching: angels do not have babies

-- False teaching: A rebuilt-temple-entering-antichrist is coming
-- False teaching: Antichrist comes up after the rapture
-- False teaching: Antichrist is yet to come
-- False teaching: Roman Catholic church is not the Little Horn
-- True Teaching: Antichrist is already here, and has been since Rome fell
-- True Teaching: Catholic church is the Little Horn that took over when Rome fell
-- True Teaching: Catholic church is the antichrist

Ark of the Covenant:
-- False teaching: Ark of the covenant contained the pot of manna, Aaron's rod, and the Ten Commandments
-- True teaching; Ark of the covenant only contained the Ten Commandments

-- False teaching; Baptism is by sprinkling, or with rose pedals
-- False teaching; Baptism of infants is necessary for salvation
-- True teaching; Baptism is a person's outward acknowledgement of an inward decision
-- True teaching; Baptism of infants is not biblical, they are not old enough to make decisions

Beast out of the earth:
-- False teaching; Beast out of the earth has not yet happened
-- True teaching; Second beast of Revelation 13 is the United States of America

Bible is the word of God:
-- False teaching; Bible contains the word of God
-- False teaching; Bible is not the word of God
-- True teaching; Bible is the word of God

Birth of Jesus by a virgin:
-- False teaching; Birth of Jesus to a virgin is a myth
-- True Teaching; Old Testament prophecy of the birth of Jesus is by a virgin

Bowing down and serving idols and images:
-- False teaching; Bowing down and serving a likeness of any thing is worship of God
-- False teaching; Bowing down to idols and images is worship
-- True teaching: Bowing down to idols and images is breaking the commandments of God

Catholic church:
-- False teaching; Baby Baptism is required to be free of original sin
-- False teaching; Confess your sins to a priest
-- False teaching; Priest has power to forgive sin
-- False teaching; Purgatory is Bible truth
-- False teaching; Sunday is the mark of authority for the Catholic Church
-- True teaching; Baby Baptism is not biblical
-- True teaching; Catholic church has many beliels that are doctrinally opposed to the Bible
-- True teaching; Catholic church, Pope saying the position is antichrist
-- True teaching; Only God can forgive sin
-- True teaching; Purgatory is not Bible truth
-- True teaching; Sunday is not the Biblical Sabbath day

-- False teaching; Christmas, is the gospel
-- False teaching; December 25th is the birthday of Jesus
-- False teaching; Santa Claus is a way to teach children truth
-- False teaching; Santa Claus is omnipotent, powerful enough to deliver to all in one night
-- False teaching; Santa Claus is omnipresent, able to be all places at all times
-- False teaching; Santa Claus is omniscient, knows everything good or bad
-- True teaching, Jesus was not born on December 25
-- True teaching; Santa Claus is a lie taught to children
-- True teaching; Santa Claus is not omnipotent, all powerful
-- True teaching; Santa Claus is not omnipresent, present everywhere at all times
-- True teaching; Santa Claus is not omniscient, he does not know everything
-- True teaching: only God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient

-- False teaching; all things created themselves by evolution
-- True teaching; in the beginning, God created all things

-- False teaching; Dead stand to be judged before the great white throne
-- False teaching; Death, immediately one is in heaven or hell
-- True teaching; The dead in Christ will be raised incorruptable
-- True teaching; Death promised to Adam and Eve if they ate, were disobedient
-- True teaching; Death, command, do not eat, or die
-- True teaching; Death decreed by God

-- False teaching; Evolution is how everything was made
-- False teaching; Evolution is proved by the missing links
-- False teaching; Evolution says that things which are seen were made by things which appear
-- True teaching; In the beginning, God created all things

-- False teaching; Call the Pope or Priest Father
-- True teaching; God is the Father. There is no God the Son or God the Holy Spirit.
-- True teaching; Call no man on earth Father.
-- True teaching; You have one Father, that is God in heaven

Forgiveness of sin:
-- False teaching; God is not the only one who can forgive sins
-- False teaching; God said you would die physically, not spiritually
-- True teaching; Only God can forgive sin.

-- False teaching; free will is not an attribute of men, they are predestined
-- False teaching; predestination is truth
-- True teaching; Freewill is a gift of God

-- False teaching; first eleven chapters of Genesis are a myth
-- True teaching; Genesis is the basis for other teachings

God the Father:
-- False teaching; God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit
-- True teaching; God the Father, exact phrase, 12 verses found
-- True teaching; God the Son, or God the Holy Spirit, do not exist in the Holy Bible
-- True teaching; Trinity is not truth, there is no God the Son or God the Holy Spirit

Gospel Message:
-- False teaching; only the elect by God are saved
-- False teaching; Jesus dies again at every Mass said by the Catholic Church
-- True teaching; Those choosing to believe in Jesus and keep his commandments will be saved.
-- True teaching; Jesus died once for sin

-- False teaching; hell is torture; everlasting, forever, punishment
-- True teaching; Hell is the grave. The dead know nothing.

Holy Spirit:
-- False teaching; Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in tongues
-- False teaching; Holy Spirit evidenced only by tongues
-- False teaching; Holy Spirit is the restrainer
-- False teaching; babbling is the evidence of the Spirit
-- True teaching; God is the Father. God is a spirit, and must be worshipped in spirit and truth, John 4:24

-- False teaching; homosexual, sodomite, actions are acceptable to God
-- True teaching; Homosexuality is taught against in the Holy Bible.

-- False teaching; man is immortal
-- True teaching; Man will die. The followers of Jesus will be resurrected on the last day.

-- False teaching; All of natural Israel will be saved
-- False teaching; Israel returned as a nation in 1948 as prophesied
-- False teaching; Israelite descendants are the people of god
-- False teaching; Israelites did not go through the Red Sea on dry ground
-- True teaching; Natural Israel was called lost sheep by Jesus.
-- True teaching; God did not prophesy the return of Israel.
-- True teaching; Any person that accepts Jesus as their savior becomes a follower of Abraham.
-- True teaching; Evidence has been found that proves Israel went through the Red Sea on dry ground, and that the Egyptian army was devoured by water.

-- False teaching; Jesus is Michael an angel
-- False teaching; Jesus took on the sinless nature of Mary
-- False teaching; Kingom of Jesus will be in this world
-- True teaching; Jesus created all things.
-- True teaching; Jesus died on the cross because he was forsaken by Israel.
-- True teaching; Jesus is not the angel Michael.
-- True teaching; Jesus is the Son of God
-- True teaching; Jesus lived on earth to teach and show people that He is the way to everlasting life.
-- True teaching; Jesus was alive before coming to earth to be born of a virgin.
-- True teaching; Mary did not have a sinless nature and is in need of a savior.
-- True teaching; Mary had other children besides Jesus.

Last days:
-- False teaching; Last days take place just before the Rapture
-- False teaching; Rapture is a false teaching
-- True teaching; in the last days God has spoken unto us by his Son
-- True teaching; in whom he hath appointed heir of all things
-- True teaching; in whom also he made the worlds

Lord's supper:
-- False teaching; Lord's supper elements are changed into flesh and blood
-- False teaching; Lord's supper, Mass, is a crucifying of Jesus
-- True teaching; Lord's supper elements, the bread and wine, are in remembrance of Jesus.
-- True teaching; Jesus died once for the sins of man.

Mark or sign, God or the beast:
-- False teaching; Mark of the beast is a physical mark
-- True teaching; Mark of the beast is a belief in the forehead, or in the actions or deeds of a person.

-- False teaching; Rapture, removal of believers secretly before the day of the Lord
-- False teaching; Rapture, removal of Christians before tribulation
-- False teaching; Rapture, false teaching, man is immortal and goes to heaven upon death
-- True teaching; Jesus returns and it is the end.

-- False teaching; All the religions of the world worship the same God
-- True teaching; there is only one true God, In the beginning, God created heaven and earth

Return of Jesus:
-- False teaching; the first return of Jesus will be secret and silent
-- True teaching; There is only one return of Jesus, which is on the day of the Lord, the last day.

Sabbath day:
-- False teaching; Lord's day is Sunday
-- False teaching; Sabbath commandment is not moral
-- False teaching; Sabbath commandment is not permanent
-- False teaching; Sabbath commandment may be kept by substituting Sunday for Saturday
-- False teaching; Sabbath commandment was not kept before the Ten Commandments
-- False teaching; Sabbath day has been changed to Sunday
-- False teaching; Sunday is the biblical day of rest
-- False teaching; Sunday is the day of worship for Christians
-- False teaching; Sunday worship is bowing before God
-- False teaching; Sunday worship is obeying and serving God
-- True teaching; The Seventh Day is the Sabbath Day.
-- True teaching; Man cannot change a commandment or law of God, or change the seventh day of creation
-- True teaching; Sunday is a false teaching.

-- False teaching; Another gospel, a change in the doctrine of the word of God
-- False teaching; Another gospel, another Jesus, or another spirit
-- False teaching; Another gospel, any other gospel, a false gospel
-- False teaching; Another Gospel, deception, lies
-- False teaching; Another religion that does not accept Jesus is another gospel
-- False teaching; Chosen are those predestined
-- False teaching; Faith is all that is needed for salvation
-- False teaching; God wants you to be rich
-- False teaching; Grace alone. faith alone, Christ alone
-- False teaching; I can do wrong, because Jesus knows my thoughts are right
-- False teaching; New Testament, corrupted to make another gospel
-- False teaching; Predestination
-- False teaching; Salvation is found in any gospel, any other gospel, another gospel
-- False teaching; Salvation, only believe is all that is needed
-- False teaching; Saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone
-- False teaching; Scripture alone, glory to God alone
-- False teaching; Seven year treaty broken by antichrist
-- False teaching; Seven year treaty made with Israel by antichrist
-- False teaching; Seventy week prophecy is about the antichrist
-- False teaching; Seventy week prophecy is only 69 weeks
-- False teaching; Slain in the spirit to receive the Holy Spirit
-- True teaching; Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved

Second beast of Revelation 13:
-- False teaching; Beast out of the earth, second beast of Revelation 13:11-18
-- False teaching; Beast out of the earth or out of the sea, difference between these
-- False teaching, Second beast of Revelation 13 is not yet known
-- True teaching; United States of America is the second beast of Revelation 13.
-- True teaching; Last Days For The USA, Seventh day Sabbath, Revelation 13:1-18

-- True teaching; Anything that comes between you and the one true God
-- True teaching; Disobedience to the Commandments of God
-- True teaching; Sin is not believing in Jesus as the Son of God, and not keeping his commandments.

-- False teaching; Temple will be rebuilt for the final, future, antichrist to sit in
-- True teaching; The antichrist is already here, and sits in his own seat between two statutes of angels.
-- True teaching; The Catholic Church is the antichrist as seen in history, and Bible history
Ten Commandments:
-- False teaching; All laws were nailed to the cross and no longer apply
-- False teaching; Commandments cannot be kept
-- False teaching; Honor tradition more than father or mother
-- False teaching; Law of God cannot be kept
-- False teaching; Taking the Lord's name in vain is only against swearing
-- False teaching; The law means all the law, moral and sacrifice law
-- False teaching; We are no longer under the law
-- True teaching; All ten of the Ten Commandments are still in effect, applicable.
-- True teaching; The Ten Commandments can be kept.
-- True teaching; Honor your father and mother is the Fifth Commandment.
-- True teaching; Taking the Lord's name in vain is to call yourself a Christian, but not keep his commandments.
-- True teaching; The law may apply to different things, depending on the context.
-- True teaching; The Ten Commandments are still in effect.

-- False teaching; Tribulation period is for seven years
-- False teaching; World continues seven years after the first return of Jesus
-- True teaching; There is no seven year period of tribulation in the Holy Bible.

-- False teaching; God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit
-- True teaching; God the Father, God is a spirit and must be worshipped in spirit and truth, John 4:24
-- True teaching; Jesus is the Son of God

-- False teaching; Truth is impossible to know
-- False teaching; Way to God is wide and has many different ways
-- False teaching; Wine of Babylon is true doctrine
-- True teaching; Study to show yourself approved. Be a good Berean. The Holy Bible is the word of God.

Worldwide flood:
-- False teaching; Worldwide flood is a myth
-- True teaching; The worldwide flood is truth.